My Mission
My name is Jack (Not Really) and I’m a freshman in a small international school in Caracas Venezuela. You would think my high school experience is worlds apart from a public school in the states that numbers in the thousands, but really it’s just about the same. We all just want one thing, to have a good time. But our school like all other schools succeeds in making sure every class isn’t an hour and a half of conversation and relaxation. But that in no way means we do not enjoy our time in school. As freshman we are veterans in the school system which means we have plenty of experience making the school day fun and entertaining. This blog is about me and my friend’s mission of enjoying ourselves in school.
Our grade has less than fifty people in it so we are all friends and know each other very well. The result is that any given period in the day is full of close friends. This makes it easy to have fun in virtually every class. Of course in many classes, even if it’s full of friends it’s still boring. A 45 minute lecture about the law of conservation of matter isn’t always the most interesting thing. But one correctly placed joke or remark can make the whole lecture entertaining. My blog will tell those day to day jokes that make the class erupt into laughter.
My blog won’t always be about jokes and funny stories it could be about whatever is going on in my school and Caracas. The blog is about my life as a high schooler and an expat. It’s about the good and the bad of Caracas. My blog is about anything and everything and especially what will make you laugh.