One of my favorite things in school is the specials meals. Not necessarily because the food is incredible (sometimes it is sometimes it isn’t). It’s because of the good feeling you get when you think about it. When I’m sitting in a boring class it’s nice to remember that it’s hamburger day and get that sudden rush of happiness. It’s funny how something so little can change your mood. Now let me explain the different specials. Every Wednesday the cafeteria makes their own Sushi. The sushi itself is not the best Sushi you will eat but it’s good for the price. Every other Thursday is hamburger day. They serve hamburgers and cheeseburgers and it comes with fries. The school burgers are very hit or miss some people love them some hate them. I personally like them. For some reason almost all of the hamburger patties in Caracas are seasoned. A lot of people don’t like this style of patty but I think there tasty. This is the day that it’s most important to guard you plate if you turn around even for a second all of your fries could be gone. Every other Tuesday (hamburger and pizza alternate weeks) is pizza day. I do not like the pizza. The sauce is bad quality, the cheese is cheap, and for some reason the pizza is a lot sweeter than it should be. I like almost all of the other meals but pizza is my least favorite by far(Actually the Lebanese plate is my least favorite. They only served it once and then for some mysterious reason it was served again?). Those are the special food plates I look forward to in the week.
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